Call or e-mail us today
for more information about how
ASLAN can help you:
General questions:
When it comes to computer/systems services, Aslan keeps your business in business!
You have a business to run, and your system is down. Orders aren't filled. Communication is halted. You have enough on your mind without all these additional headaches. Aslan Communications can help. The best time to call us is before you really need us... that way we can review your systems and programs, make recommendations and correct problems before they occur. But if problems occur, Aslan can jump into action and get your company up and running with a minimum of disruption as possible.
Aslan is your single source for all of your Internet, Telecommunication and Data Networks
Customized service to fit your company's specific needs. Aslan has the expertise for developing Technology Based Business Applications
Experience working with companies requiring sophisticated Information Technology (IT) support... featuring cost effective options utilizing the most advanced Network Technology
Plug-and- Play solutions for all standard ISP Services. Aslan is highly experienced in providing turn-key solutions for companies that outsource all Information Technology (IT) services.
Authorities in system design and engineering
Single source for all Voice and Networking needs.
Network design
Hardware and software
Network administration
Computer Telephony
Computer maintenance
Customized Services
Database programming
Web-based application development
Web-based work order requests for building mangers
Shopping carts
Online commerce
Programs to check the status of investments
IT Support: Network Design and Installation.
Run cable
Install hubs and switches.
Maintain and operate Networks.
LAN -Local Area Networks
WAN -Wide-Area Networks
Aslan specializes in Plug-and-Play Solutions.
Aslan supplies all standard ISP services...
Domain registration and management
Web softwareNews Groups
Web Sites
On-line commerce
Firewall management
Remote backup of computers
Video conferences to the desktop
System Integration
Building Control Systems
HVAC controls
Monitoring equipment on a Network
Integrating a building control, a paging, and a Security System.
Consolidating or integrating a variety of systems into a Network Environment.
Network Value Added Reseller (VAR)
Aslan Communications will track the development of technology and applications that use Network communications, and integrate them for business use on our Network.
Integrate the use of Emerging Technology including:
Streaming Video
IP Telephony
ATM application development,
Develop Strategic alliances with other companies that can use our building Networks for transport.
Call us or e-mail us today for more information.
Tel. 800-848-0262 or local 845-897-5483